
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am by profession a computer scientist, having worked on NASA stuff at Edwards AFB, Artificial Intelligence products at Inference Corp., Anti-virus and Firewall products at Symantec/Peter Norton, and Encryption products at MicroVault and NetCourier Inc. I'm currently employed at Earthlink rewriting their email backend.

In my errant youth I was a professional musician (keyboards) for a few years, and have continued to work as a small-time record since then producer. I have also written and recorded the score for one film. I took up the Chapman Stick in recent years, and am the listowner of a maillist for Chapman Stick players, Stickwire-L.

I am passionate about progressive rock, Johann Sebastian Bach, synth pop, Stravinsky, Jimmy Webb, Alberto Ginastera, Frank Zappa and Yoko Kanno. Having grown up in Reno, Nevada, I find that in my youth I got enough country music to last me a lifetime, and my ability to appreciate it today is severely limited. These days I live in the Los Angeles area.